Saturday 8 December 2012


The General Gordon Square Woolwich is a beehive today, full of festive activity. If you are indoors, you may need to come out and have a little fun.

Christmas Carols, glowing lighted Christmas Tree, Live music, BBQ roasts, Sweets and Fudges, Porkchops, Jumbo Roast Saussages, Hot-Dogs, and many more are on offer. Christmas is here again - and we are delighted to be part of it.

In addition to the mobile market which has been there for the past two weeks, the Jamaican Stall is back offering their usual delicacies and the square is filled with the aroma of open-air barbeque. If you've missed them since the Olympics ended, here is your chance to catch up where you missed out.

Every Little Helps: Perhaps the most apt offer RIGHT NOW is Tesco hot choccolate drinks which are being offere free of charge at the square at the moment. If you are around the square and feeling the chill, why not pop out there and grab a cup. Every little helps!

AMUSEMENT PARK RIDES: Enjoy some amusement at the Square as the Amusement Parks are back. Take the kids for an open air ride, they will love it. There are even different types installed for choice. And the music is good too.

And the Christmas Deer that visited the Big Tesco a week ago are back at the Square. All four of them. Why not take the kids for a little visit. Santa is coming to town - he is just around the corner.

REMINDER: PICNIC IN LONDON'S LIVE MUSIC CONCERT due to take place at the New Wine Church, Woolwich is TONIGHT. Time is 6pm - 10pm. Be there for some fun.

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