Wednesday 2 January 2013


* The Woolwich Centre houses the Greenwich Council and the Public Library.

Happy New Year Again from Woolwich Arsenal Online - and welcome to 2013.

It's a good feeling to be one of those who made it into 2013. And we certainly loved the fireworks that ushered in the New Year. Many residents of Woolwich Arsenal spent the New Year's Eve inside churches or pubs, either boozing up or repenting of their sins for the previous months and also asking for God's forgiveness for their inability to keep their New Year Resolution, made at the same time 12 months ago, even as they prepared to make a new one.

One Church that welcomed a massive crowd was the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries branch in Nathan Way, Thamesmead. Though the branch connected to the podcast of the event being hosted in Excel by Dr. Adegbolahan, the prayers were as fired-up as expected. There were librations, revelations and prophetic messages. The Church said 2013 is "My Year of Fresh Oil and Distinctive Shinning." Claim it!

The New Year's Day itself was spent indoors as the roads were deserted - even with the public busses and trains back in service. The banks were closed on the 1st of January and most shops at the High Street were also shut.

But welcome to the second day of 2013. The Banks are back to work. The High Street Shops are back and open. But the schools are still closed and children are still observing their holidays.

So welcome to the Woolwich Public Library.

The Woolwich Library, located on the ground floor of The Woolwich Centre Building is a beehive on this second day in January. Not that the Library is ever short on patronage, but with the schools still closed, it is estimated that about 2000 have called in today - as at 3pm.

And why Not? The Woolwich Library is a class of its own.

The library is equiped with the latest in information technology, a fast-speed internet, and many comfortable sitting areas.

There are adult self-booking, general-use section, a Learn Direct section and a Children section. All areas are well fitted.

The Concourse is designed with many aisles and adjustable furniture, making it possible for arrangements to be altered by the staff as and when needed.

You can grab a book and enjoy a quick read, sitting all by yourself on a corner, shielded by walls of book racks and chairs.

You can use desk-tops or laptops - all turned on and ready to go each morning at, and remain serving throughout the day.

Visiting public libraries has become a welcome delight for many residents of the area - and for visitors - for Whites and for Blacks and Asians and indeed for all Races.

The Woolwich Library is so busy that some have jokingly suggested that if it is run on a 24hr basis, it will still be busy.

Woolwich Arsenal Library is open for everyone. You can obtain a Libary Card if you reside in the Area or ask to use the library facilities as a visiting guest.

You can however, only borrow materials if you are a member of the library.

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