* 19th Session from 9th -13th Sept., 2013.
The 19th Session of the `UN Committee On Migrant Workers' kicks off today in Geneva, Switzerland. It will last till Friday 13th September 2013.
The meeting is to discuss human rights issues that arise or affect migrant workers under the articles of the United Natiions Convention on Migrant workers.
As a result, it will accept submissions that address main human rights concerns of migrant workers around the world or as it affects their families who may live abroad.
The committee welcomes written submissions that can assist it in reaching targeted conclusions and recommendations.
The Human Rights Council is also startiing its 24th session today in Geneva, with Syria an important feature.
Unsurprisingly, human rights groups are agitated.
Addressing the Human Rights Council, Ms. Navi Pillay, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights says that over 100.000 have been killed in Syria against 2.600 two years ago.
The High Commissioner says the situation in Syria calls for urgent international action as the world was already too late in collectively responding to the `downward spiral that has gripped Syria'.
She said `This is not time for powerful States to continue to disagree on the way forward, or for geopolitical interests to override the legal and moral obligation to save lives by bringing this conflict to an end.'
The High Commissioner said that human rights abuses are also under assault in Iraq from a new wave of violence `with more than 1,800 recorded deaths in the past two months alone`.
Ms. Pillay also kicked against the scope of the use of communications technology to intrude on the privacy of citizens in countries like the United States of America and the United Kingdom.
She called for laws and policies to be adopted to address `the potential for dramatic intrusion on individuals’ privacy` made ever more possible by the use of modern communications technology.
* Twitter: @bensonagoha.
Read the Full Speech:[ . ]
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