Wednesday 27 November 2013


A petition launched about a week ago to save the Woolwich Grand Theatre from demolition diggers have netted 100 signatures and registered 204 supporters.

The petition, launched by Stewart Christie, following the Planning Application made to the Royal Borough of Greenwich for demolition and reconstruction of No. 38 Wellington Street, Woolwich, seeks to preserve the Woolwich Grand, from demolition, to make way for residential housing.

The petitioners were asking the Council to reject the application and find ways to fund the Woolwich Grand Theatre's vision to transform it `as an arts hub for Woolwich and the surrounding areas'

The petition, hosted on the Change.Org website, says 296 signatures are required.

It is not clear how long this petition will remain valid before it is taken down, but supporters of the action are still urged to get online and sign it in support of the cause.

Nor are signatories just appending their signature without comment.

One of the supporters of the action, Barry Hatton wrote "Just hope that Denise Hyland remembers me as she used to be my Drama Teacher at Eaglesfield, so the Woolwich Grand Theatre, is right up her street."

Rossie Jackson, another supporter said "With the current rising of Woolwich, it would be a serious error to demolish what could potentially be a big draw to the area, if it was used wisely as a developed cultural centre.", and then added - "Plus, are you people out of your minds? This is heritage!!"

While Linda Donnelly wrote "This is a wonderful space with great potential for the community as an arts venue, something which is sadly lacking in this area."

* Twitter: @bensonagoha.

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