Tuesday 17 December 2013

Baby Boom? Not Quite As One Woman Delivers 10 Stillborn Babies In One Night by Benson Agoha

It was a case of record-setting news spoilt by an unfortunate turn of event.

Reports from India say a woman was delivered of 10 babies - in a day, but they were still born (all dead).

According to the Indian Asian News Service (IANS), the medical record occured when Anju Kushwaha, 28, of Koti village in Satna district miscarried 10 babies in one night this week.

IANS say the woman was being taken to the Sanjay Gandhi Memorial hospital located 125 km away in a neighbouring district called Rewa, after she went into labour, but she delivered nine stillborn babies on the way, leaving Doctors surprised.

IANS say "A doctor attending to the woman said the medical team was awestruck when Anju's husband Sanjay presented before them the nine stillborn babies."

Nevertheless, as the medical team examined her, they found that one was still remain in her womb and it was delivered - also in a still born, although the woman was said to be `keeping well' after her ordeal.

IANS reported the doctors as saying "it was a case of miscarriage followed by "hyper stimulation syndrome", where fertility drugs stimulate the ovaries to produce many egg sacs."

* Twitter: @bensonagoha.

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