Friday 6 December 2013


* Nelson Mandela: 1918 - 2013.

Those who went to bed early last night or were working far from mear channels awoke this morning to the news that Dr. Nelson Mandela, liberator of South Africa from the clutches of Apartheid and its former President has died.

I grew up hearing of the struggles of Dr. Nelson and Winnie Mandela, who fought the obnoxious system called Apartheid in his country for several years leading to his imprisonment and confinement to Roben Island prison, where he spent a record 27 years.

Mandela's struggles, like that of Dr. Martin Luther King Jnr., were symbolic because he fought not for a selfish cause, but a popular one. Mandela fought for emancipation of all peoples.

In one of his speeches, the former president was quotated as saying "I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination. ... But if need be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die..." He loved life, and stayed alive.

He lived to serve his term and witness his release. Lived to come home to a people that he loved and still did. Lived learn that the struggle for which he fought an obnoxious system for so long, has weakened the system, and weakened to the point it gave hope to the ANC.

That hope and sustained pressure, rose to a point where the ruling government of Pieta Willem Botha, who ruled as Prime Minister from 1978 - 1994 and, as Executive President from 1984-1989, despite his hardline stance, was prepared to negotiate the total dismantling of apartheid.

But it was Frederik Willem de Klerk, who as the last State President of apartheid-era South Africa, having served from September 1989 to May 1994, saw through the negotiation and the modifiation of the South African Constitution (which eventually provided for two deputy presidents) and eventually introducing popular democracy, and handing over power to Mandela as President of the Republic of South Africa and leader of the African National Congress(ANC).

A man who loved his people, freedom and life, Nelson Mandela's love continued to his ripe age of 95.

In many respect similar to, but perhaps bigger than the late Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, Mandela clung to life - long after cynics and rumour mongers spread the news that he was dead. He lived on, long to prove them wrong.

* Nelson Mandela's Statue at Parliament Square.

The world reacts to Nelson Mandela, who is the only black man whose statue stands at the Parliament Square near Westminister Abbey.

The Council of Europe is flying their flags at half mast and described him as “...the world’s greatest human rights defender of our time."

In London, the South African and Union flags are flying at half-mast above Downing Street.

In an official statement by Downing Street, Prime Minister David Cameron said “A great light has gone out in the world. Nelson Mandela was a towering figure in our time; a legend in life and now in death - a true global hero. Across the country he loved they will be mourning a man who was the embodiment of grace. Meeting him was one of the great honours of my life."

"My heart goes out to his family - and to all in South Africa and around the world whose lives were changed through his courage.”

Later, as he signed the condolence book he said "Your generosity, compassion & forgiveness have given us lessons to live by."

Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, said: “Our thoughts go out to the people of South Africa who will be left heartbroken by this sad news."

“Every so often history produces an individual whose message is universal, and Nelson Mandela will be mourned and missed on every continent around the globe. The hope he offered was enough to unite races; it bridged cultures and transcended generations; and it could heal the deepest divides.“

"That hope must now live on. Nelson Mandela’s legacy will continue to burn brightly, there is little doubt about that. But our greatest tribute to him will be our commitment to equality, humanity and peace - the values for which he very literally put his life on the line.”

And Ed Milliband paid his tribute saying "Deep condolences to Graca Machel, his family and friends and to all the people of South Africa. Nelson Mandela called Britain "the second headquarters of our movement." Today I remember his courage and those who sustained the movement.

In Nigeria, President Goodluck Jonathan said "Nelson Mandela’s Indefatigable Spirit Will Continue To Inspire Present And Future Generations Of Africans.

In an official message to President Jacob Zuma and the people of South Africa, President Jonathan conveyed the sympathy and solidarity of the Government and people of Nigeria as the world mourns the former South African President.

President Jonathan said “I write to commiserate with you, the Government and people of South Africa and the family of Dr. Nelson Mandela on the death of one of the greatest sons of Africa.

“Although it has come at the advanced age of 95, Madiba’s death will create a huge vacuum that will be difficult to fill in our continent. He will be sorely missed by all who cherish love, peace and freedom the world over and will be eternally honoured for his immense contribution to the dismantling of the apartheid policy, one of the world’s most obnoxious systems whose under-pining philosophy was the degradation of man by man.

“Dr. Mandela served as a source of inspiration to the oppressed peoples all over the world. In the course of his life-long epic struggle for freedom, fairness, justice, equity and the human rights of his oppressed people, Dr. Mandela made unparalleled personal sacrifices. The indefatigable spirit which he demonstrated throughout his life will continue to inspire present and future generations.

“Dr. Mandela will always be remembered and honoured by all mankind as one of its greatest liberators, a wise, courageous and compassionate leader, and an icon of true democracy.

“We join you, the Mandela family, the people of South Africa and lovers of freedom, peace, justice and equity all over the world in praying that God Almighty will receive the Great Madiba’s soul and grant him eternal rest,” President Jonathan wrote.

* Flags fly at half mast at EU Headquarters for Mandela.

In United States, President Obama said Nelson Mandela was "A man who took history in his hands and bent the arc of the moral universe towards justice...Let us pause and give thanks for the fact that Nelson Mandela lived."

In Tokyo, Japan, TOKYO — Prime Minister Shinzo Abe paid his tributes, saying Mandela "...fought for the abolition of apartheid with a strong will. On nation building, he made a major achievement with focus on the reconciliation of the people. He was a great leader,"

* Eiffel Tower.

In France, the Eiffel Tower also lighted up in tribute to the former South African President.

Only months ago, the rumour mill spilled out that Mandela was dead, following frailing health and surgery in a hospital where he was re-admitted on June 8 with a renewed lung infection, after his condition deteriorated.

He was in hospital for 3 months and released and taken home on September 1, 2013 where he has been in intensive care at his home in Johannesburg.

Jacob Zuma, incumbent South African President visited him on November 18, 2013 during the commissioning of the 'Nelson Mandela Centre Of Memory' in Houghton, he said there was not much change.

Amnesty International, UK said, "A hero has left us. His legacy as a human rights defender lives on."

Mandela may have given up the fight to live, but at 95, when he went to final rest yesterday December 5th, 2013, the world understands he wished to live on.

He sure will, because we will not forget him in a hurry.

* Twitter: @bensonagoha.

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