Friday 20 December 2013



"Dear Benson,

I am a Christian. I attend church. I have been going through a nightmare for the last 6 years or so. I have sought prayer and talked to more than one pastor about my ordeal. God led me to seek help online and I found you (your article titled "Spiritual terrorism a further highlight" on unmasked blog). I think that this is spiritual terrorism. I am very healthy, thank God. I am taking no medication. I think that someone is under assignment to disturb my spirit and I have suspected people close to me."

"The details are too vast to write online, but I am experiencing some of the things you mentioned, like manipulation. For instance, I get constant signs get [sic] and wonders. Unclean dreams, slowed down memory. Many different attacks. I have sought prayer and help but this situation has occurred for almost six years now. I feel like I am desperate. I feel like I am at wits end. I have also been border line suicidal. I will appreciate any help that you can provide. Thank you in advance. Kindly, Sabrina, NY, USA."

And Benson responds:...

Dear Sabrina,

Many things can be responsible for slowdown in memory. Your medical doctor will usually advise you better on this. so you will be better advised to consult with them.

For example, if you are stressed or overworked, or you have been under any form of medication that causes allergies such as drowsiness.

When we experience drowsiness and become weak and sleepy, our brains tend to play tricks on us and makes us dream a lot - much of which do not really bear actual resemblance to what might be physically happening around us.

In that case, it is best to ignore these `pictures', get help by seeing your physician and if it is due to a medication, he will know what to do or whether to recommend another drug to debase it or stop it altogether. In that case, it is best not to attribute it to spiritual terrorism.

But if you attend a Mosque, Temple, Spiritual Shrines, Pentecostal churches, or indulge in much spiritual activities or exercises, it is then we can begin to analyse to see what could be responsible for the intensity around your spiritual life.

As for feeling suicidal, I would recommend you banish it from your thoughts and see a psychotherapist. Your doctor should be able to recommend a good one.

Nevertheless, as explained in my articles, Spiritual terrorism are actions of men, but you don't become a victim except someone close to you feels they have a good reason to torment you, or frustrate you or kill you. So it is something that builds up gradually (except in some very unusual cases where an authority figure is waging a selfish `holy' war and targets people, anyone, who comes within the coverage of his radar at the time).

You need to review your experience and see if you actually still suspect you are being mind-controlled by some power against your will. If you are receiving consistent instructions of what to do or how to live your life without you actually indulging in active prayer, spiritual manipulation can be suspected and there is someone around who is responsible.

Sometimes, they are people we have trusted to much and who appear so dependable to us that we let down our guard around them.

To finish this article, please click here >>>> [QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON SPIRITUAL TERRORISM.]


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