Saturday 18 January 2014

How Odd Can You Proudly Look: Will You Wear A Cockroach Necklace? by Sonny Jones

* Cockroach Necklace.

Come to think of it, we have seen artists in a kinds of weirred and outrageous outfits on the red carpet and on stage.

Lady Gaga, imagine that meat dress, and Nicki Minaj, in those unwearable shoes from Irin Van Herpen and Prada, readily come to mind but this Cockroach Necklace defintely stands out.

And ladies are facing a big challenge - will will you step out in this?

A ZOMBIE! Real Horror Rock!'s photo, Akiba Jama who reshared it on facebook asked "Let this motivate you to get your craft out there cause this is some Platinum Stupidry [sic] right here!".

The post titled "It takes a special kind of gal to wear a cockroach necklace" is attracting varied responses, majority of which suggest the necklace is offputting.

One friend said "Making my skin crawl just looking at it". Another wrote "Disgusting." while another's "Ewwwww" was complimented by said "uugghh" from another. Another asked "Just Why!" and yet one friend suggested that necklace will be appealing to Rihanna saying "Rihanna! She would wear something like that. LOL i couldn't do it!"

On the funny side, one friend said "I laugh because those roaches are all over the Islands....And we sold them as Mahogany birds to Tourists in my youth days....And to see them as a Necklace....Very funny...They roast and eat them in the Far"

Well, will you wear it? And we are not talking of in an "I am a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here" jungle.

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