Saturday 4 January 2014


* Thames Barrier.

The Ferry Service between Woolwich and Northwoolwich has been suspended and the Thames Barrier closed, as the water level rises beyond normal levels.

As the rising tide result in a calm alarm among residents of Woolwich, fear of flooding is gaining a little ground.

In this photo, taken by Michael Snasdell, River Thames has risen higher than normal and playgounds around the Thamespath have been deserted. No one is out there sitting comfortably on the park desk either.

* Rising Water, Closed Ferry Service, long queues and fear.

Mr. Snasdell, who is out photographing the scenery, warns of a possible flooding and the risk to children. He tweeted "No telling some people, and they take their kids too..... smart."

Michael reports that playgrounds are being submerged as the tide rises around the thames barrier. He said "Playground slowly going under as high tide arrives.."

Concerned residents include Rosey Prince who wrote "I worry about Woolwich when they close the barrier", and she suggested the water should be diverted to someshere else.

* River Thames Rises.

Not everyone is afraid though. The Fact compiler wrote: "You appear to be sharing the same vantage point!" and Huskyfan even wanted to try and go have a look. He tweeted "might see if I can get down there too. 'Slugs coffee down and hunts for wellies".

And to that, Sarah Ann advised "We're completely flooded here at Mast Quay. Please be careful when walking via Thames Path."

But the suspension of the Woolwich ferry is said to be temporary and will apply only from 14:20 to 15.40 when service is set to resume.

* Massey Shaw Fire Service Boat was said to be on its way to a Boat Show.

Emmergency services are watching to situation however and Massey Shaw Fire serices are seen standing in their boat as they keep an eye on the situation.

* And police accesses the threat of rising thames to the House of Parliament.

Reports of the rising water and closure of the Ferry Service prompted the an aerial accessment of the situation by Police, using helicopter.

They posted the above photo after photographing the House of Parliament from the air.

* Twitter: @bensonagoha.

* Twitter: @woolwichonline.


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  1. Thanks for using my images.
    Just to clarify a couple of points for your readers thought.
    The water level is well within a safe level, the flood defences are much higher up the grass banking. So there was no panic at the location, or threat to safety.
    I don't thing HuskyFan intended on swimming in the water, her twitter ID just has the word 'swim' in it.
    The reference to safety to children relates to parents allowing their children to pass the safety chains and approach the waters edge.

  2. Thanks for the comment Michael. We have since checked other eyewitnesses and have made necessary edit to the report.

    And we acknowledged that HuskyFan was trying to see if he could get to the scene, not to go and swim. Errors are regreted and have been corrected.


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