Saturday, 29 March 2014

Same-Sex Marriages Take Place As Law Changes In UK

by Benson Agoha

By midnight last night, it became legal for a man to marry and another man or a woman to do the same with another woman.

Before midnight of Friday March 28th, 2014, only civil partnerships were possible between same-sex couples.

Media reports say early marriages of same-sex couples have already taken place and according to the BBC "Peter McGraith and David Cabreza, John Coffey and Bernardo Marti, and Andrew Wale and Neil Allard were among the first gay couples to tie the knot.

* A Rainbow Flag is hoisted and will fly over Cabinet Office and Scotland Office this weekend.

In an exclusive letter for the PinkNews to mark the first same-sex marriages taking place in the UK today, "Prime Minister David Cameron celebrates the introduction of same-sex marriage today, comparing same-sex marriages to his own, and noting the work still to be done for equality" PinkNews wrote.

The PM said in the article: “This weekend is an important moment for our country. For the first time, the couples getting married won’t just include men and women – but men and men; and women and women," adding "..after all the campaigning - not least by readers of PinkNews - we will at last have equal marriage in our country."

He said "put simply, in Britain it will no longer matter whether you are straight or gay – the State will recognise your relationship as equal“ and stressing his interest in gender equality he said "This is something that has been very important to me."
The PM talked about his happiness with his own marriage saying "I have been so lucky to find the most incredible lifelong partner in Sam and our marriage has been a very special part of the commitment we have made to each other."

He offered his personal advise to desirous couples saying "Of course any marriage takes work, requires patience and understanding, give and take - but what it gives back in terms of love, support, stability and happiness is immeasurable."

The PM said marriage is "..not something that the State should ever deny someone on the basis of their sexuality. When people’s love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change.“

He ended his article to PinkNews saying "We are a nation that is growing stronger economically because of our long term economic plan. But I hope we can also be a country that is growing stronger socially because we value love and commitment equally. Let us raise a toast to that - and all those getting married this weekend.”

To read the full article, please visit

* Follow me on Twitter(follow): @bensonagoha and @woolwichonline.

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