Monday 23 June 2014

Lewisham: The Stream So Fast And Clear You Could Wade In

by Admin Staff

Many urban rivers and streams around the South east, are sluggishly tributaries that simply meander their way into the Thames. Some of them are even so still, you would wonder if they flow at all.

But this Manor Park ford in Lewisham flows through the Park so swiftly we couldn't actually resist the urge to wade in..but oh we have to kick off the shoes to get the feet wet. Just reminds one of early years     in the African tropics.

* The ford is so clear and fast as the water streams through the park.

The approach from the park also shows the rivers enjoys good patronage, as you can see from the clear foot path below.

* Wish to fill a bottle? The Approach...

Across the bridge, the tributary maintains maintained speed as it gurgles on. And with the brilliant sun blazing, a splash was certainly not a bad idea.  But well, we managed to resists wading in.

* Manor Park Stream gurgles on, reflecting the blue sky above.

Do you know of similar streams or rivers around your neighbourhood, where people feel so close to nature? Write in and tell us.

Supply photos, if you can please and email to

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