Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Paradigm Shift: As More Women Pop The Question, We Ask Will You Propose To A Man?

by Benson Agoha

* Photo Credit: Facebook photo used courtessy of Nina Ellis-Hervey

For most women, getting on your knees for a man in public is an achaic culture, but, as this photo show, more women are bracing up to the challenge of popping the big question.
Shifts in attitudes towards marriage culture, spear-headed by divergent woman, are encouraging others to take up the gauntlet and propose to their partner, rather than wait endlessly.
This photo shared on Facebook, shows a lady getting down on her knees as she popped the question after producing a ring.
The culture of proposing to your man is spreading like crazy, as Nina, who shared the photo found, but she insist she will not propose to any man.
“Though I'm a career oriented, driven, self-sufficient woman, I desire my man to propose to ME. I believe a man finds his wife and secures that bond. I'm not knocking anyone who feels different. That's just my take.”
The photo shared to sample opinion, as her contacts went ahead to share their thoughts on `this phenomenon’.
The photo has attracted 4,667 Likes and 3,924 Shares, and opinion is still fairly divided with conservative women, putting up spirited defence of their position.
The comments show that Independent single parents are more conservative than their childless and single counterparts.
“If a man doesn’t propose, then he’s not ready or he doesn’t want to marry you! It’s embarrassing to see women proposing to men.  They look desperate”, one wrote, attracting a deluge of replies, including one which told her “girl get up!”
The men too are not all embracing the new wave. One contact said he would prefer to be the one proposing. “Naw that’s my job as a man. How can you as a man feel good about this…`weakmen’ if he’s not asking you, he’s not ready.” He said, and advised the women to stop the practice. “Sisters, stop this madness.. I was born to Lead my family”, he insisted.
One self-employed lady complained “But here goes women changing the game again, then complain later why things are the way they are..”, she said.
Others prefer to be coy about it..”Of course, you can open the conversation of marriage up, so you can get an idea of if you’re on the same page in life”, and while refusing to take the lead, she said ”no you shouldn’t have to wait your whole life for him to do the proposing, but that is still for HIM to do”, she said.
Another thinks its okay for a woman to choose her husband or the father of her children, so that the blame will rest on her. “I think it’s okay for a woman to choose her husband; as well as choosing the father of her children.  Most women fall for the promises a man makes to her.  This way if she chooses him, she only have herself to blame”, she said.
But one buddy encourages women to take up the mantle if need be. “I don’t see nothing wrong with asking someone who you really love to be your husband.”.. “Who came out with the idea for a man to ask the woman and to make the rules to say this is wrong?” she asked.

Will you propose to a man?

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