Friday 8 August 2014

US Strike ISIL Positions With Jets and Drones

by Benson Agoha

The United states today began air strikes against the ISIL after a request from the Iraqi government was accepted.

AFP reports say President Obama authorized the targeted strikes against ISIL positions who are reportedly advancing through the country and have sacked some minority communities who have fled into the mountains.

The airstrikes are thought to preceed planned airdrops of necessities and humanitarian assistance for the displaced people of Iraq.

US Secretary of State, John Kerry has defended the strikes, saying ISIL is fighting to destroy Iraq.

Map of northern Iraq showing areas in the
hands of Islamic State (IS) jihadist.
Photo Credit: AFP.
 An official tweet by the US Department of State said "@JohnKerry: ISIL is not fighting for a stronger #Iraq. ISIL is fighting to divide and destroy Iraq."

Read the full story here >>> [].

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