Saturday 24 January 2015

The Main Public Library, Woolwich: - Lost Tablet Mini reunited with owner

by WO Staff

A who forgot her mini-tablet on a chair inside the Woolwich Library, returned to find it had been found and kept safe by the Library attendants.

Tired, the woman had sat on a chair for rest, but when she stood up, she walked out, without realizing she left her precious mini electronic device behind.

The tablet, kept inside a blue pouch, was noticed by another visitor, who handed it over to the staff.

When the woman was told, her tablet was safe, she heaved out a huge sigh of relief, collected it and and went to thank the visitor who handed it in. "Thank you so much for doing that, please."

Spellbound, the joy was manifest on her face, as worry gave way for smile. She then found a sit and sat down again for another five minutes before continuing where she was going.

One staff said, from her reaction, you can see that much of her life would have been inside that tablet and losing it would have caused her a great sadness.

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