Friday, 10 April 2015

Hervey Road, the London Marathon Playing Field now protected through Fields-in-Trust

by our Staff Reporter | Greenwich

The Royal Borough of Greenwich, in partnership with Fields in Trust and Friends of Hervey Road has protected London Marathon Playing Field on Hervey Road forever, as a Field in Trust - with plans to restore the playing field to full use by summer 2016.

Fields in Trust is a national charity that works to protect and improve outdoor recreational spaces in partnership with local owners. Spaces are protected by a legal document which means the site is protected in perpetuity.

The much-loved site has been used since 1890 by the local community for various sports activities, including tennis, football, rugby, athletics, cricket, hockey and bowls.

The Royal Borough of Greenwich and its partners have delivered investment across a variety of outdoor facilities including Sutcliffe Park which is currently undergoing a significant transformation with a bid to make it into a top-class athletics facility. After a £4million investment, Hornfair Park is now a multi sports park with Charlton Lido, new changing facilities, a top-grade BMX race track and tennis facilities.

The Royal Borough of Greenwich said: “The Royal Borough of Greenwich has a proud record of investing in sports and outdoor facilities across the borough and the protection of Hervey Road is a perfect example of this.  We are working closely with the local parks groups to ensure the new plans are suitable for community use and a wide range of physical activity.”

Helen Griffiths, Fields in Trust CEO said: “Fields in Trust is delighted that The Royal Borough of Greenwich have committed to protecting the London Marathon Playing Field on Hervey Road.  Our outdoor spaces are increasingly under threat and it is ever more important to safeguard vital green spaces for future generations to enjoy. We hope many more landowners follow Greenwich’s example.” 

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