Wednesday 13 May 2015

Labour Party to elect new leaders; membership continue to grow since election

by Benson Agoha | Politics

The British Labour has continued to register new members since the general elections despite loss.  In fact, according to the Acting Leader, Harriet Herman, the party has registered 20,000 new members since Poling day last Thursday.
A note from the Labour Party about current registrations.
(Credit: via BLP)

Labour won only 232 seats while the conservative was 331 to give them majority control of the commons.

In an email correspondence to members, the acting leader said the election result was bitterly `disappointing for our party.'

Mrs. Herman said Labour would now pursue a fourfold agenda:

1) to form the most effective, determined opposition `we possibly can...every step of the way.'
2)  to remain stable and united as we reflect and begin to rebuild.
3)  do a proper analysis of the result at the last election that produced a result we were not expecting.
4)  elect new leader and deputy leader

The Acting Deputy Leader said, with some 232 passionate and committed Labour MPs, Labour will do just that - providing effective and determined opposition.

She said the leadership election will be held under the new one-person-one-vote rules as it will make it the fairest, most inclusive leadership election the party has ever had.

She said the disappointment of not being in government notwithstanding, Labour would come back — together.

To join the Labour Party, visit: Join-the-Labour-Party

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