Thursday 28 May 2015

Woolwich arrest was for a previous offence, say Police

by WO Staff | Greenwich

A man nicked inside a Woolwich Car Park, Wednesday evening, was wanted for a previous offence, according to a Police officer.

By-standers watched as a Police car, with siren blaring, arrived the Woolwich Leisure Centre Car Park. No one moved, and the young man did not attempt to run away. Soon, a reinforcement was in tow

Officers approached a young man for a brief moment before taking his details, then he was frisked and hand-cuffed.

And speculation was soon rife that it might relate to drug dealing. But an officer, told Woolwich Online the young man "was wanted for a previous offence." He did not give further details.

As he was driven out of the Car Park at 18.10 with his lady friend, it emerged a plane clothed detective had been waiting in an unmarked car inside the Car Park.


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