Tuesday 16 June 2015

Islamic State set-back welcome news to fleeing Syrian Refugees: Kurds to the rescue.

by Sonny Jones | Middle East

Kurdish fighters of the People's Protection Units (YPG).
(Credit: via Times of Israel)

Syrian Kurdish forces said to haven taken full control of Tel Abyad near Turkish border, cutting off IS supply line

BEIRUT (AP) — For the thousands of Syrians crushed against barbed wires, desperately trying to escape the evil of the Islamic State, this news comes as a huge relief.

A Times of Israel report said Kurdish fighters have taken full control, Tuesday of the border town of Tal Abyad, a move that dealt a major blow to the Islamic State group’s ability to wage war in Syria.

"Haqi Kobane told The Associated Press that Kurdish units known as the YPG along with their allies from the Free Syrian Army were starting to clean up the town along the border with Turkey from booby traps and mines planted by the extremists so that residents can return. The militants had been in control of the key town for more than a year," a ToI report said.

“Daesh has been broken at the hands of the YPG…it is a victory for all Syrians,” he was quoted as saying by telephone from northern Syria, using the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group.

Photos that emerged Monday, showed a baby clutching unto barbed wires as her father pleads to be allowed to cross over the fence - all in a bid to escape the IS butchers.

The Kurdish advance caused the displacement of some 20,000 people who fled to Turkey in the past two weeks.

It is a day of good news for the global War against Terror because elsewhere, another cheering news reported the US announced a gift of $5 billion (£3.2bn ) to the African Union's Joint Multi-national Task Force fighting Boko Haram.

Despite the towns recovered, hostages freed and general setbacks to Boko Haram's activities in the run up to Nigeria's general elections in April, the terror group had continued to cause trouble and attempting to increase their assault against communities in Nigeria's Northeast and army installations.

by Sonny Jones (with reports from Times of Israel and Nigeria Camera).

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