Wednesday 22 July 2015

Archbishop of Canterbury Receives General Overseer of Redeemed Christian Church of God

by Benson Agoha | Religion and Society

The Archbishop of Canterbury Received the leader of one of  the largest Christian Ministries, with Head Quarters in Nigeria,  Pastor Enoch Adeboye to Lambeth Palace.

Pastor Enoch Adeboye and Pastor Agu Irukwu

who oversees RRCG UK were welcomed
by the Archbishop of Canterbury Archbishop Justin Welby
on arrival.. (Credit: Justin Welby)

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby met and prayed with the leader of one of the largest Christian Ministries headquartered in Nigeria, Pastor Enoch Adeboye at the Lambeth Palace, London.

Indicating the growing co-operation and understanding between the Christian Communities of Britain and Nigeria, a statement on the Archbishop's website said he welcomed the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) to Lambeth Palace yesterday for a morning of prayer and conversation.

Nigeria was one of the countries the Archbishop visited on taking over the reign from the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Archbishop Rowan Williams.

The statement said Archbishop Justin Welby met with Pastor Enoch Adeboye, and his delegation, including the Chief Overseer of the RCCG in the UK Pastor Agu Irukwu. Afterwards the Archbishop and the Pastor spent time in private discussion and prayer.

The two Christian leaders reportedly "discussed possibilities for further collaboration between the Anglican and RCCG churches and communions, nationally and internationally" and "The Archbishop and Pastor Adeboye led prayers for Christian unity and revival."

The statement said during the visit, Pastor Adeboye was also shown a selection of precious items from the Lambeth Palace Library, including works relating to the first black Anglican bishop, Samuel Ajayi Crowther.

In October last year Archbishop Justin was invited to address 40,000 people at the RCCG’s Festival of Light in London, where he called for Christians of different denominations to be reconciled in Christ and to be reconcilers in their communities and nations.

The Archbishop of Canterbuy Justin Welby posed for
a group photo with Pastor Adeboye and his entourage, including
Pastor Agu Irukwu who leads the UK mission of RCCG.
(Credit: Justin Welby).

The two Christian Leaders hold a private discussion and prayer.
(Credit: Justin Welby).

Pastor Adeboye was shown works relating
to the first black Anglican bishop,
Samuel Ajayi Crowther.
(Credit: Justin Welby)

* Report and Photos courtesy of Justin Welby, The Archbishop of Canterbury website.

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