Tuesday 21 July 2015

Buzz Aldrin Speaks Out: Moon Landing Was Real, (Photos)

by Benson Agoha | Space Science

Only recently, argument was rife, reportedly emanating from Russia that America never went to the moon.

Of this photo, he said: "It's the 46th Anniversary Apollo 11 moon landing. Mankind's first small step-The next giant leap will be #Mars #GYATM "
They said it was all a lie. One of the reasons they gave was that the flag was fluttering. This could not have been so, they say, because there is no wind on the moon. They said America has questions to answer why they deceived he world.
But to today, on the anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing, one of the veterans who is still alive has spoken out, sharing photos of the landing that had not been seen before and telling why they held fun memories.

Buzz Aldrin was on the craft that went to the moon with Neil Armstrong. Below, we publish the photos as he shared them.

Of this photo he said: "When kids ask me what it felt like to walk on the moon I say "squishy"! They are #GenerationMars. #Apollo11 "

Of this photo, he said: "I only took a few photos on the moon and this one was to show how the lunar dust was like talcum powder. "

He said: "I have 3 words to describe why this photo Neil took of me is so iconic: Location, location, location."

Of this photo, he said: "As I made my way down the ladder I partially closed the hatch. Being careful not to lock it on my way out. #Apollo11 "

Well the photos speak for themselves. Questions answered?

* by Benson Agoha (Withe Lead and contributions from the BBC, UPROXX, Buzz Aldrin)

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