Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Chris Brown And His Baby's Mother Still Rowing Over Child Support

by Sonny Jones | Celebrity

Chris Brown is a popular singer and we all know is never out of the news for both the wrong and the right reasons. Baby mama wants more money for child-support.

Chrisbrown, Nia Guzman and their daughter, Royalty.
Credit: via The Un-Cut-Truth)

Ok..we are not talking about his Exes Rihanna and Karauche..but about his child's mother. After their `separation', the question was living closer to each other to allow him see his daughter.

Now, the pair are back in the news because Nia Guzman, who mother of his daughter wants more money for child support.

Chris Brown is reportedly currently paying $2,500 (£1.619) a month for Child support (an amount described as being more than required in law), while Nia Guzman said that sum represents very little and is asking for $15,000 (£9.714).

And do you know the name of his daughter? She is Called ROYALTY BROWN. Ok..you got it. Nia feels that $2.500 is not enough to look after Royalty.

Chris Brown has not made an offer yet - at least not public, but the public are already judging - as usual. Candace Stapler who sampled their opinion on facebook discovered the uncut truth.  While some feel Chris should do more, a great many felt Nia Guzman is just being money-grabbing.

What do you think?

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