Thursday 16 July 2015

German Chancellor, Angela Merkel Is Not A Supporter of Same-Sex Relationship

by Sonny Jones | Celebrity Opinion

Europe and the West may have been champions of same-sex relationship but one or two modern European leaders are not still in support of it.

German Chancellor, Angela Merkel.
(Credit: via Wiki)

German Chancellor, Angela Merkel has reportedly voiced out her opposition to same-sex relationships, defining marriage as ‘a man and a woman living together’.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is opposed to gay marriage and, according to media reports, believes that matrimony should be restricted to just heterosexual couples.

And although the leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Party believes gay discrimination must be ‘eliminated’, she said she draws the line at same sex marriage because there has to be ‘a difference at some point’.

It comes on the heal of a new dawn in the Unites States where the Supreme Court ruled two weeks ago that "Love Is Love" and that it applies to relationships of all types throughout the 50 states.

Despite her opposition, she did not interfere with gay pride match in Germany.

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