Thursday 30 July 2015

Peckham: Nigerian Jailed For Rape Faces Deportation After Serving Term

by Nigeria Camera | Rape

For Olaoluwa Ibrahim, a London resident of Nigerian origin, all roads led to jail when he appeared at the Central Criminal Court on Tuesday July 28, 2015, according to report.

The Nigerian of Relf Road SE15, Peckham pleaded guilty to the offence and was sentenced for rape and theft. But after serving his sentence, he will be heading back home.

Accoding to the story, his victim had been on an evening out with friends in central London and was travelling home by bus in the early hours of 24 June 2014. At around 02.30hrs she got off the bus in the Maida Vale area to walk the short distance home.

But as she did so, she was approached from behind by Ibrahim who tried to engage her in conversation. She attempted to ignore him by walking away; but he reportedly grabbed her, pushed her into a driveway and forced her to the floor, then raped her, before stealing her phone and running from the scene.

The victim was able to make her way home and subsequently contacted police.

According to Nigerian Camera, Officers were able to trace Ibrahim via extensive phone inquiries as he had made a number of calls to the victim’s new phone following the incident.

During his original interview he fully denied the offence stating that his DNA would not be found as he had not had sex with anyone.

But when it was found to be a match to DNA found on the victim’s clothing, Ibrahim changed his story, claiming to have had consensual sex with the victim and denying stealing her phone.

The victim is now living in Australia and to save her the trauma of having to return to the UK for the trial officers traveled there and provided specialist computer equipment which allowed her to give her evidence remotely via a live link to the court.

On passing sentence, the judged ruled that after serving his prison term Ibrahim will be deported back to Nigeria.

Detective Constable Adam Knott, Sexual Offences, Exploitation and Child Abuse Command, said: “I would like to reassure the public that attacks of this nature are extremely rare. When they do occur, we do everything we can to bring the offenders to justice.

“Ibrahim has shown no remorse or honesty from the point of arrest and his deception continued throughout the trial, putting the victim through the trauma of having to recount her ordeal in court. I hope it is of some comfort to her to know he will now spend a considerable amount of time in prison before being deported. He is a genuinely dangerous offender and I am pleased he has been removed from public life.

“I would urge anyone who has been the victim of sexual violence to come forward safe in the knowledge that they will be listened to, the case will be thoroughly investigated and we can provide bespoke victim care depending on individual needs.”

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