Monday 20 July 2015

United Nations Security Council Endorses Iran Nuclear Deal, World Reacts

by Benson Agoha | World Affairs

The U.N. Security Council unanimously endorsed the landmark nuclear deal established between Iran and six world powers, in a first step toward ending U.N. sanctions on the country's economy. But ahead of the UN vote which led to the endorsement, EU foreign ministers okayed the pact.

United Nations Security Council members vote
on the Iran resolution at the UN headquarters in New York
on July 20, 2015. (AFP/JEWEL SAMAD/Times of Israel)
Despite this endorsement, the deal is set to meet challenges from other interested parties, including the US Congress which still has to review and consider its implications.

Analysts are however wondering why President Obama's government sought the approval of the UN before going to Congress.  And inspite of the approval, sanctions will remain in place for awhile - at least till the 90-day period lapses.

The UN approval came despite the objections of US Lawmakers who wanted a panel to wait until Congress formally reviews the landmark agreement, according to Fox News.

Nevertheless, Prime Minister Bejanmin Netanyahu has maintained his call on the US Congress to stall the deal, urging them to keep US sanctions in place. Israel believes Iran cannot be trusted. Iran says it wishes Israel removed from the Map.

US Secretary of State says the deal stalls further progress on Iran's nuclear programme and that facilities will be open to UN inspectors any time - even at the shortest notice. Iran says, there will be inspection in any military facility.

And despite the deal, Iran's supreme Leader had last week expressed disdain for America and Israel and said they would look at ways to support their alleys - Hamas and Hezbolla, according to a Fox News analyst.

Iran is accused of being the state sponsor of terrorism - the biggest in the world and most people think the deal should not have been done because it will not stop Iran going with its Nuke programme while raking in billions of promised grants as provided by the deal.

In the meantime here is the statement issued at the end of discussion over the Iran Nuclear Deal in Vienna: The Press statement given by Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission.

In it, the High Representative said, this marked the end of their negotiations, although there was work to be done.  She said both the team from Iran and the 5+1 Group will continue to work together.

Watch the video:

Watch the video by US Secretary of State, John Kerry:

* by Benson Agoha (with contribution from Fox News and Times of Israel).

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