Tuesday 4 August 2015

Carlos Slim Erases Communication Barriers Between The U.S. and Mexico

by Forbes.com | Telecoms

Mexican Tycoon Carlos Slim's Telcel Erases Mobile Borders Between The U.S. and Mexico

Telecoms Billionaire Carlos Slim is from Mexico.
Credit: NBC News)
Telcel, owned by Telecoms mogul Carlos Slim, has eliminated the mobile border between the US and Mexico, caused by unending competition between rivals.

According to a report by Forbes, mobile users can now call from Mexico to the U.S. and vice versa for just a small charge.

"..under the plan “Telcel Sin Frontera” (Telcel Without Border), mobile users can call and text to the U.S. without paying long distance charges, and when they travel to the U.S. they will be able to use their minutes, messages and MBs just as they would in Mexico, with no roaming charges."

“We are eliminating the border between Mexico and the U.S. In terms of communications, it will be one region,” said Daniel Hajj, America Móvil’s CEO and Slim’s son-in-law.

Telcel reportedly expects millions to use the new plan as the U.S. is home to the largest population of Mexican descent and Mexican immigrants in the world after Mexico.

To read the full report, visit: www.forbes.com.

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