Thursday, 10 September 2015

Sheldon Adelson, Bill Gates Among Those On Al-Qaida's Assasination Target List

by Fox News | International

Al-Qaida has reportedly published a list of assassination targets and citizens of the Western, especially citizens of the United State, Fox News has reported.

* On Al-Quaida's Target List:
Former Federal Reserve Bank Chief, Ben Bernanke.

In an apparent retaliation to the recent news that 10 British Islamic State Jihadi's are on the list for drone assassination, Al-Qaida said Micro-soft founder, Bill Gates, Sheldon Adelson, a Jewish businessman, former US Federal Reserve Chief, Ben Bernanke, referred to by the terror group in full as Ben Shalom Bernanke are to be targeted.

On the list also are, according to JP,  Republican donors Charles and David Koch, Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton, Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg.

According to the Jerusalem Post the threat was communicated in an article entitled, "Assassinations - Field Tactics," in Al-Quaida's magazine, Inspire. JP quotes al-Qaida as saying that the assassination program turns to `lone terrorists' who can help the group achieve its goals.

"Whoever understands the components of the American economy knows the importance these personalities play in the revival of the America Economy. The assassination of these economic personalities or their migration from America or the mere fact that they live in insecurity, will later on bring instability to the American economy," the article reads.

They are expected to publicly distance themselves from US policies towards Muslims and US support for Israel.

"Among the goals of the assassination threat, according to the magazine, is to convince the figures to "declare via media that they are far from American policies towards Muslim and America's support for Israel."", JP said.

It is a major doubt if the request by Al-Qaida will scare the targets, or achieve the opposite of helping to bring forward the debate on whether to militarily intervene in Syria, where a four-year war has let to the death of about 200,000 Syrians and displaced some 6 millions citizens.

10 British citizens were revealed as being put on a target list for drone assassination for joining the Islamic State in its atrocious war against man and history.

Two Brits were assassinated in August, according to government sources, for plotting an attack on members of the royal family.

* Jerusalem Post, Fox News contributed to this story.

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