Wednesday 28 October 2015

Adele's Hello You Tube video, is viewed by over 100 million

by Benson Agoha | Entertainment

Published only on Thursday, Adele's new single has already been a massive hit. By Wednesday afternoon, just one week into its release, it has been viewed by over 109,298,801 views.
* Adele
The video which was shot in Canada, shows her arriving an apparently empty house badly in need of living in. Then, she yanks off the curtains in frustration.

When Adele said Hello, she also ended Taylor Swift's reign as the fastest selling single. And although Taylor's Bad Blood has been viewd over 600 million times, it was released in May - five months ago.

So if Adele's Hello continues to reverberate across the horizon, it is sure to catch up and surpass Bad Blood before long.

The singer's next album titled 25 is expected to be released soon. Watch Hello again below.

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