Monday 26 October 2015

South Assian Earth Quake Claim 43 Lives, Many Injured in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India

Fox News | International 

There has been an earth quake in Assia which has killed at this time 43 person with several others injured, according to Fox News.
* Oct. 26, 2015: Patients who were shifted outdoors at the government
medical college hospital after a strong tremor was felt in Jammu, India.
(Credit: via Fox News)
The magnitude 7.5 earthquake occurred in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India and its full impact has not been determined.

In a braking News, Fox News reports that emerging reports as estimating the deaths to at least 43 people after the magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck northern Afghanistan, with tremors also being felt in Pakistan and India.

* In Islamabad, Pakistan people rushed
out of their offices to open areas.
(Credit: AP)
The epicenter, according to the United States Geological Survey, was in the far northern Afghan province of Badakhshan. The province borders Tajikistan and China.

And USGS said the quake was 132.3 miles deep and 45 miles south of the Badakhshan capital, Fayzabad.

"In Pakistan, Zahid Rafiq, an official with the meteorological department, said the quake was felt across the country.

In Islamabad,also in Pakistan, buildings shook and people poured into the streets in a panic, with many reciting verses from the Koran.

"I was praying when the massive earthquake rattled my home. I came out in a panic," said Munir Anwar, a resident of Liaquat Pur in the eastern Punjab province.

According to AP's big story, the powerful 7.7-magnitude earthquake in northern Afghanistan rocked cities across South Asia.

Developing story....

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* school children were among the dead

* As are adults

* Buildings turned to rubble

* Workers left their offices to open areas

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