Friday, 2 October 2015

Southwark: Further Details Released On Emerging Plans For Health Services

by NHS Clinical Commissioning Group | Southwark
More detail on ideas for improving health services in south east London has been released, and the public are being invited to give their views.

The ideas are outlined in Help us improve your local NHS: Emerging models and further thinking, published by local healthcare commissioners.

It has been developed in response to public demand for more detailed information, following the publication of Help us improve your local NHS: Issues Paper (published earlier in 2015) which outlines the major challenges facing the NHS in south east London.

The ideas focus on improving access to high quality services outside of hospital in places closer to where people live, alongside promoting health and wellbeing to prevent ill health, and helping people with long term conditions manage their illnesses so that they can keep well for longer.

Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark Clinical Commissioning Groups have been working closely with patients and members of the public, as well as doctors, nurses and therapists, health service managers and social care leaders working for local councils, on a strategy to tackle some of the areas biggest healthcare challenges – known as Our Healthier South East London.

The strategy also aims to help the local NHS spend money better and manage demand for services, which is expected to continue to rise due to factors such as the ageing population, more people living with long term conditions and the rising cost of new medicines and technology.

Dr Andrew Parson, south east London GP and Chair of the Our Healthier South East London Clinical Executive Group, said: “We’ve spoken to hundreds of people about the challenges we face in south east London’s NHS, and people clearly want more information on what things could be done to make the changes healthcare in this area needs."

“This new paper explains some of these new ‘models’ of care in greater detail and we want to hear what people think. Plans are still being developed and we are keen to get the views of as many people as possible."

“Taking more views from the public will help us to understand how to improve the strategy and ensure that over the next five years the NHS meets the needs of people in south east London.”

Both publications and more information about the strategy can be found at, where you can also submit your views.

To request hard copies, or other formats or languages, email

* NHS Clinical Commissioning Group, Southwark, London.

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