Friday 30 October 2015

Woolwich Primary School Leaps From Special Measures To ‘Outstanding’ In Record Time, Say Ofsted

by our RBG Correspondent | Woolwich

Parents, teachers and pupils at Foxfield primary school in Woolwich are celebrating after an astonishing turnaround in its results.

Less than 18 months ago Foxfield Primary in Sandbach Place was failing badly. Inspectors from the education watchdog Ofsted said it needed ‘special measures’ to put back on track.

But following a big drive by staff and governors to make improvements, and with extra support from the local authority, the school has now been re-inspected. And this time, Ofsted has graded Foxfield as ‘outstanding’ in every way.

* Cllr John fahy
It scored top marks for the quality of teaching and the impact this had on the children, and also their personal development, behaviour and welfare. Also judged outstanding were the effectiveness of the school’s leadership and management, and the provision for early years.

The school launched an action plan following Ofsted’s visit in May 2014. An Executive Headteacher and new headteacher were brought in, and key staff and governors from Woodhill Primary in Woolwich – graded an ‘outstanding’ school – working with the Council also offered their support.

Having re-inspected last month, Ofsted concluded in glowing terms: “The headteacher and executive headteacher have turned the school around very quickly. It is now a highly-successful school where pupils make and sustain rapid progress. They have achieved this through setting ambitious targets and insisting that the pupils achieve very well, regardless of their circumstances. Teaching is highly effective, and teachers know that only the best is good enough.

“The governing body is formidable. They know the strengths and relative weaknesses of the school, and do not allow it to slide.”

* Miracle Worker:
Rob Carpenter
Executive Headteacher Rob Carpenter (bottom left) said: “The new Ofsted report reflects the commitment and dedication of the staff and the governors, together with the strong support received from the council. Above all, it reflects the confidence of our pupils, and their ambitions for both themselves and their local community.”

Cllr John Fahy (top right), Deputy Leader of the Royal Borough of Greenwich and Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, said: “I congratulate the teachers and the children for these wonderful improvements. Thanks are also due to Woodhill for supporting this impressive turnaround.

“It shows the difference that can be made when a local council gives its full support to its schools.”

Foxfield’s achievement means that more than 94 per cent of the borough’s primaries are now rated as ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’, its highest-ever figure. This puts Royal Greenwich’s primary schools in the top 25 per cent of all primary schools in the country.

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