Friday 23 October 2015

Woolwich Tonight: It's Another Word In Motion Presentation at New Wine Church

by Benson Agoha | Entertainment

Today, New Wine Church, plays host to Word in Motion's latest presentation titled The Irrepressible Dream.

A News letter sent out by New Wine said Word in Motion's latest production will excite, provoke, challenge and encourage you.

The stage production features live drama and dance at its very best, all performed by some of the finest gospel actors and dancers.

It is an event not to be missed. When you go make sure you invite your family, friends and neighbours along, as everyone can be guaranteed to enjoy themselves.

And id does not even matter whether they've ever been to a gospel event or not!
Admission is FREE! 
 Date: Friday 23rd October 2015

Time: 7pm (Doors open at 6pm)

 Venue: Gateway House, Woolwich, London SE18 6QQ

Click on these links and watch previous performances: 

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