by Benson Agoha | Technology
No that the LifeNaut Project is the first attempt at finding solution to nature's defilement of humans through `death and decay' but current effort of the Terasem Movement is mind blowing.
The belief of this group - that there is proof in a concept that one day, using stored information about a person, he can be re-animated in a conscious robot, thereby effectively fusing man and machine - is being turned into reality by Texas-based Hanson Robotics which is using stored mind-files to built live-like robots that can, relatively think like the original individual.
In simple terms, The Terasem Movement believes that a "conscious analog of a person may be created by combining sufficiently detailed data about the person (a mind-file) using future consciousness software (mind-ware)."
Bina 48 is the most advanced humanoid (human robot) yet. It's features include face recognition, voice recognition, facial expressions, head and eye movement, motion tracking, internet connectivity and conversational ability.
As with most high-risk scientific research of recent times, the Bina48 is a humanoid of Bina Aspen, the co-founder of the Terasem Movement. And in this youtube video below, she meets her humanoid who recognized her - partially.
The conversation shows both parties a bit conscious of each other, so much so that, although Bina Aspen expresed delight in the knowledge that a part of her was live in Bina48, her facial expression continued to show elements of distrust.
Lifenaut Laboratories explained introduced Bina 48 as one of the most adanced social robots, built from a composite of information gathered from several people including Bina Aspen.
Bina48 was created using video interview transcripts, laser scanning life mask technology, face recognitiion, artificial intelligence and voice recognition technologies. She is conceived as an ambassador of the LifeNaut project that will use human attributes like memories, values and beliefs collected about an actual person. It was animated (brought to life) in 2010.
See the video and Meet Bina48..
Watch Japans humanoid:
To read more about Bina48, visit:
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