Saturday 14 November 2015

Plumstead shopkeeper fined more than £3,000 for selling illegal alcohol and cigarettes

Cllr Jackie Smith
by our RBG Correspondent | Woolwich

A shopkeeper from Plumstead has been fined over £3,000 after being found guilty of selling illegal tobacco and alcohol following a prosecution by the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

Suhanty Suresh, 36, the licenced owner of the Yogi Mini Market on Plumstead High Street, was prosecuted after a seizure of the illegal goods by the Council’s Trading Standards team and local police when they inspected the business in March 2015.

Officers found a total of 45 bottles of spirits with either fake labels or tax stickers removed, along with four varieties of chewing tobacco with no relevant health warnings and 21 packs of cigar wraps that did not have an English health warning on them.

She was fined £3,002 and ordered to repay it within 12 months along with costs of £1,685 and a victim surcharge of £42. She pleaded guilty to all offences at Bexley Magistrates court on October 19.

At a Licence Review hearing the store’s licence was also revoked. Mrs Suresh said the alcohol had been bought by a member of staff, and although she was suspicious about it, she sold it regardless in order to recoup the costs.

Councillor Jackie Smith (top right), Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Environment, said: “This case is an example of a local business failing to take responsibility for the products they sell to our community, and they have paid the price thanks to the thorough joint work and expertise of our Trading Standards team and the local police.

“Local businesses are reminded that the products they sell must comply with trading guidelines and legal regulations. Products must be purchased from registered suppliers and carry the correct health warnings. We hope this case sends out a powerful message to other local businesses in the borough.”

You can report illegal trading to the Trading Standards team on 020 8921 8223 or email:

For more information visit:

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