by our RBG Correspondent | Woolwich
Private landlords are being reminded by the Royal Borough about new fire safety rules that now require them to install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in all rented properties or face a penalty of up to £5,000.
The new rules were introduced from October 1 to improve safety, particularly as there has been a sharp increase in people renting through the private sector.
The new rules require landlords to:
* Install a smoke alarm on every level of each rented property and a carbon monoxide alarm inside each room with a solid fuel burning appliance;
* Make sure the alarms are working and tenants understand how and when to check the alarms are working.
Cllr Jackie Smith (top right), Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Environment, said: “The Council is committed to improving safety for residents and tackling rogue landlords who fail in their legal responsibilities. This includes ensuring that landlords fulfil basic safety requirements such as installing working smoke alarms.
“Our staff actively work with landlords, tenants and the fire services to ensure rented properties are safe and free from fire hazards. Most responsible landlords will already have installed smoke and carbon monoxide alarms for the safety of their tenants. This new law will force the small number of “rogue” landlords to do the same."
"The Council recommends that smoke detectors are wired in by a competent electrician, which will help ensure they are always working and keeping tenants safe and that carbon monoxide alarms are fitted where gas is also used in the home.”
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* Beware of fire |
Private landlords are being reminded by the Royal Borough about new fire safety rules that now require them to install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in all rented properties or face a penalty of up to £5,000.
The new rules were introduced from October 1 to improve safety, particularly as there has been a sharp increase in people renting through the private sector.
The new rules require landlords to:
* Install a smoke alarm on every level of each rented property and a carbon monoxide alarm inside each room with a solid fuel burning appliance;
* Make sure the alarms are working and tenants understand how and when to check the alarms are working.
Cllr Jackie Smith (top right), Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Environment, said: “The Council is committed to improving safety for residents and tackling rogue landlords who fail in their legal responsibilities. This includes ensuring that landlords fulfil basic safety requirements such as installing working smoke alarms.
“Our staff actively work with landlords, tenants and the fire services to ensure rented properties are safe and free from fire hazards. Most responsible landlords will already have installed smoke and carbon monoxide alarms for the safety of their tenants. This new law will force the small number of “rogue” landlords to do the same."
"The Council recommends that smoke detectors are wired in by a competent electrician, which will help ensure they are always working and keeping tenants safe and that carbon monoxide alarms are fitted where gas is also used in the home.”
Landlords wanting further advice or tenants who are concerned about the standard of their privately rented accommodation can contact the Council’s Environmental Health Residential service on or 020 8921 8157.
People renting or living in a property that accommodates three or more tenants, who do not live as one household, are encouraged to contact the service to discuss fire safety requirements.
Information for landlords can be found at:
For free smoke and carbon monoxide alarms (subject to availability) visit:
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