Tuesday 22 December 2015

Health and Safety Executive Prosecutes Self-Employed Woolwich Resident For Illegal Work On Gas Appliances

by Nancy Weirh | Woolwich

A self-employed Woolwich resident has been prosecuted by, national regulator for workplace health and safety, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), for improper work, The London Property Licencing reported Tuesday.

The website announced in a statement that Israel Jackson of Sandbach Place was sentenced for safety failings after carrying out gas work without being Gas Safe registered.

The decision, made by the Maidstone Magistrates' Court, comes after the owner of Pumbwise Heatwise, known as a plumbing and heating engineer, reportedly carried out work on gas appliances when he was not Gas Safe registered.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) told the court that his vehicle had a gas safe logo on it and he filled in his gas safe registration number on a landlord’s records when his number was not valid.

The court heard that following a previous poor work during which he poorly fitted a gas fired boiler, Mr. Jackson had, in 2011, been warned to stop gas work by the HSE.

He was given a twelve month community order, with a condition that he undertakes a 40-day ‘rehabilitation activity requirement’ (RAR), after pleading guilty to an offence under Regulation 3(3) of the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998.

Speaking after the hearing, Robert Hassell, an Inspector with Health And Safety Executive said: “Every year approximately 11 people die from Carbon Monoxide poisoning caused by gas appliances and flues that are not properly installed, maintained or that are poorly ventilated.

“Employers and customers should ensure qualifications are checked prior to hiring and the expiry dates noted.”


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