Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Californian Mom Arrested For Letting 4-Year-Old Play Unsupervised Near Home

by Fox News | International

Some mom's don't just get it, but letting a child play outside of the house can be illegal and for good reason - children become more vulnerable to abduction when left all on their own outside of a controlled area, as a Californian mom soon found out.

The mom was arrested for allowing her 4-year-old son play `just 120 feet'  outside the front door of the house unsupervised, Fox News reported Tuesday.

Sonya Hendren said that her son, Tomahawk, was on a playground about 120 feet from her front door when a neighbor called Child Protective Services.

Steve Doocy and Elisabeth Hasselbeck demonstrated the distance on “Fox and Friends” and interviewed her.

Click in this box to [ Watch this video to see the demonstration ].
But she admitted she did not have her eyes on him all the time and from the demonstration, it was obvious the play ground was closer to the road than to the house.

Even though the two were within sight of each other, Hendren admitted she wasn't watching her son at all times.

As you will see, she was asked "Weren't you afraid that your son would wander off?"

“No. He’s lived there and played there for a year. He had proven himself ready to have in-and-out privileges,” she said.

"It was shocking,” the mom added, when she walked out of her apartment to find her son standing with Sacramento police.

“We’re being terrorized,” Hendren said, explaining that she believes in "free-range" parenting.

“This is an abusive thing that they’re doing. There is something wrong with this system, when kids are being taken from their yards.”

According to the report, her attorney told
FOX 40 that Hendren faces a charge of child endangerment and neglect, which carries a maximum sentence of six months in jail.

He said she was offered a reduced sentence of 30 days in jail, but rejected it.

Watch the full interview above.

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