Friday 15 January 2016

Beware of Virus, WhatsApp Users Warned As Many Hit By Malware

by Benson Agoha | In Woolwich

An article on Gizmodo Australia raised the alarm Thursday - if you use WhatsApp they say, `beware of Malware'.

In an article, Rae Johnston alerted users to keep an eye out for scam emails that appear to be from WhatsApp, otherwise they could end up with a nasty case of malware on their iPhone or Android device.

Rae said the offending emails have been reported with subject lines such as “new voice message”, “a brief audio recording has been delivered”, “a short vocal recording was obtained” or “an audio memo was missed”.

According to Director of Comodo Antispam Labs, Fatih Orhan, “Cybercriminals are becoming more and more like marketers, trying to use creative subject lines to have unsuspecting emails be clicked and opened to spread malware.”

Once the email is opened, and attached virus downloaded (it will be in a compressed ZIP file), you’ll have yourself an infected phone.

"The virus adds itself into an auto-run of the computer’s registry, and duplicates throughout system folders. Not fun," say Rae Johnston, advising WhatsApp users to treat any emails with suspicion, since notifications for the messenger platform are only ever delivered in the app.

You have been warned!

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