Tuesday 19 January 2016

Japanese Scientist Revive Two Water Bears After 30 Years. [.Watch Tardigrade Video]

by Benson Agoha | Science
* A tardigrade. (Credit: via Wiki)
Cryonics is a technique that has peoples bodies frozen out in the hope that someday, when the secret to life is solved, they can be brought back to continue their earthly existence.

But you have to sign up to this prior to being put in the fridge, if for example, modern medicine is unable to sort out your case and you fear you will die and never be around again.

The news of Japanese Scientists having revived two water bears after 30 years has just made the rounds, but whether it represents a breakthrough to the theory behind cronyism is yet to be seen. 

According to media reports, the Japan National Institute of Polar Research scientists collected two tardigrades in a moss sample in Antarctica in 1983.

The water bears were kept in a storage habitat with the temperature set at about -4 degrees until the researchers defrosted them in 2014.

Once the warming project began, the tardigrades began to show signs of life. One water bear died after 20 days, but the other one started to return to normalcy on day 29.

It was not the first time. A previous experiment by the same group had revived a tardigrade frozen for about nine years.

And the a landmark experiment with the tardigrades by the European Space Agency in 2007 involved a successful launching of the tiny creatures into space after scientists sent 3,000 for 12 days stay during the study.

With the research upgrading to a 30 year revival, it might really be progress.

( * Lead and contributions from the INQUISITR.)

* Watch this Video. (Credit: YouTube).

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