Tuesday 26 January 2016

Petition Against Planned Tax Relief Restriction On ‘Individual’ landlords Gets Popular Nationwide

by Benson Agoha | In Woolwich

A petition aiming to raise 100,000 signatures against he planned tax relief restriction on `individual' landlords has gathered more than 60,500.

* planned tax relief restriction on ‘individual’ landlords will
increase costs and lead increased rent, say petitioner.
(Image Credit: Mulberry Park Housing Estate from Wiki.)
Ruhal Uddin began a petition asking government to "Reverse the planned tax relief restriction on ‘individual’ landlords" because the planned restriction will unfairly target those who operate as sole traders and force them to incur additional costs in the course of running their businesses.

"We ask that the planned restriction be reconsidered as it has unfair implications," he said, adding that because the private rented sector is heavily reliant on individual landlords, the planned change will likely result in higher rents due to landlords looking to offset higher tax liabilities.

He said "in some cases, employed individuals own buy to let properties as investments for retirement. The planned restriction would adversely and unfairly affect them."

Support for the petition has  been flooding in from as far as Tatton, which gave up 16 signatures, Warrington North with 91 signatures, Worsely and Ecoles South with 40 signatures, Carthiness Suderland and Easter on the farthest part of Scotland with 16 signatures.

Expectedly, the larger chunk of the signatures have been coming from London with Erith and Thamesmead with 118 signatures so far, Harrow East 413 signatures, Enfield, Southgate 429 signatures and Dartford with 119 signatures.

The petition aims to net the balance to reach its target within the next 24 hours.

To show your support and sign the petition, click (here).
To view the Petition Map, click (here).

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