Monday, 11 January 2016

Royal Greenwich Invites Residents To Nominate Their Local Heroes

by our RBG Correspondent | In Woolwich

People who have made outstanding contributions to everyday life in the Royal Borough will be publicly honoured in this year’s Civic Awards 2016.

Nominations are now open for people to name the individuals, organisations or businesses who they think have made a real difference to the community and nominations will close on the 8 February at 12pm. Results and awards ceremony will be announced in March in Victoria Hall, Woolwich.

Categories include: a Young Persons Outstanding Achievement Award, for a person under 25 years of age who has made an outstanding contribution to their community); a Volunteer Award; a Sporting Achievement Award; an Arts & Entertainment Award; a Business Award and an award for an Act of Courage for someone who has shown remarkable courage and/or bravery.

Winners last year included Jenny and Graham Penn, who won a Contribution to the Community Award for their work for the Eaglesfield Park Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, working tirelessly with the police, volunteers and residents to tackle anti-social behaviour and crime and running a fun day every year in Eaglesfield Park.

Jenny said they were both delighted to receive the award. She added: “Where we live is paramount to our overall happiness. We’re determined to keep our community a safe, secure and pleasant place and Neighbourhood Watch helps to achieve this. By working with service providers, social groups, and other dedicated and devoted residents we all strive to maintain an amazing community.”

Cllr Denise Hyland (top right), leader of the Royal Borough, said: “The Civic Awards provide a unique opportunity to recognise the individuals and organisations that work so hard to make Royal Greenwich a fantastic place to live, work and visit. They represent the Royal Borough at its very best, and without their hard work, commitment and dedication, this borough would not be the fantastic place to live and work that it is.”

You can make your nomination and find out more about the criteria for nominations: at

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