Saturday 9 January 2016

Royal Greenwich Offers Tips To Help Residents Realise Their New Year Resolutions

by our RBG Correspondent | Woolwich

Residents need look no further than the Royal Borough of Greenwich’s leisure centres for help with their New Year fitness plans. This January there is no joining fee when residents sign up for membership.

Local leisure provider Better has a great a range of membership deals to suit everyone.

A prepaid membership to Royal Borough leisure centres provides inclusive access to gyms, group exercise classes and swimming pools. The package also includes a personalised fitness induction and exercise programme for new members, as well as up to 30 per cent off non-member prices for many other activities along with many other benefits.

Senior citizens, full-time students, and people receiving benefits can get extra savings through the Higher Saver Card while local people can also get a range of short term passes for leisure centres if they are looking for flexibility in their workout.

New members will receive a Greenwich One Card, which gives them complete access to leisure facilities in the borough. Also, holders will be able to use their card for services in local libraries and get great discounts from over 100 local businesses. Since its launch in November, the Greenwich One Card scheme has seen over 2,700 residents sign up with many more joining every week.

Cllr Denise Scott-MacDonald (top right), The Council’s Cabinet Member for Culture, Creative Industries and Community well-being said: “January is a time when many people set themselves targets to improve their fitness and well-being and, with no joining fee this January, the Royal Borough’s leisure centres are the best places to help turn resolutions into reality."

Visit and follow the links for full membership details for leisure centres in the Royal Borough.

For further information on fitness centres, and to find your local leisure centre and to sign up for the Greenwich One Card, visit

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