Friday, 8 January 2016

Women, More Likely Than Men, To Shop Online Using A Mobile Device

by Benson Agoha | Business

The future is mobile, and with miniaturization heading to astronomical new heights, the right boxes are certainly being ticked by several of these handheld devices.

However, which of the sexes is more likely to take better advantage of the numerous features packed into hand-held devices. A recent study suggest is not male.

A report on the e-Marketer say Mobile has become so important a channel for shoppers that they even research and purchase products through their mobile devices.

According to 2015 research in which an American Marketing Researcher Y&R looked at different profiles of US shoppers, they found that mobile warriors use their smartphones to compare prices, get information, receive coupons and make purchases.

But how are they spread between the sexes? "When it comes to the demographic profile of these shoppers, females make up 53.4%, while males account for 46.6%."

Further analysis show that 31.7% of those who research and shop from a mobile device are between the ages of 18 and 29, while 36.3% are between ages of 30 and 44.

However, these smartphone shopping behaviors are not just limited to younger shoppers. Consumers ages 45 and older also use their device to research and purchase.

The growth of m-commerce has been phenomenal with 57% of retailers worldwide saying they experienced a major growth in purchases made through the mobile device.

Last year, in 2015, 79% of retailers worldwide confirmed they were undergoing major m-commerce growth.
* Story Lead: e-Marketer.

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* Mobile Warriors are defined as people who primarily research and purchase products via smartphone.

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