Tuesday 5 January 2016

Woolwich Update - Look After Your Smart Phones, Police Remind Residents

by Nancy Weirh | In Woolwich

The Woolwich Town Centre witnessed only `5 crimes' in the first four days of 2016, according to Town Centre Police Sergent Matt Burns as he announced the return of the Police Team after the New Year.

"The team have returned after the New Year. I am pleased to report only 5 crimes reported in and around the Town Centre over the last 4 days," he tweeted earlier.

In Greenwich Sgt Diane Hill, who have been off for a few days reminds us of the need to stay safe.

"Been little busy today to tweet ..... Off now for a couple of days
#StaySafe", she tweeted earlier in the day.

Meanwhile, if you are one of those who take the safety of their smart phones for granted, Police advises you be more careful as it takes a blink of an eye for it to be snatched.

Watch this YouTube video as a reminder.


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