Wednesday 17 February 2016

Man Struck By Lightning While Masturbating To The Bible Says He Now Believes It Is Sin To Masturbate

by Benson Agoha | New From The Web 
* John Taylor believes that being struck by lightning was a
“divine message” and hopes to share his story amongst his fellow men.
A widower who was struck by lightening as he masturbated to the bible, say he now believes that masturbation is sin.

American, John Taylor of Mount Pleasant, Utah was found in critical condition after being struck down by a lightning bolt. He told officers he had been masturbating to the Bible moments before the incident.

According to Mt Pleasant patrol officers who rescued the 66-year-old, the religious man had decided to go for a stroll on Mount Pleasant that day and was caught offset by a raging storm which ultimately might have cost him his life.

* burns from the lightening bolt were visible on his back
Speaking of his experience, he told local reporters that: “Since my wife passed away last year, I often seek the tranquillity of the hiking trails of Mount Pleasant,” adding “I bring my Bible and meditate about God, Jesus and the Creation.”

“I strongly believe God has punished me for my sinful ways that day and am glad God has given me a second chance to spread his word and tell my story.”

Mr Taylor now decries the fact that he was masturbating to the Bible moments before being struck down by lightning, and declares that that Masturbation is a sin.

He says: “I am ashamed to say that I was fulfilling my dirty needs while holding this sacred object, written down from the spoken word of God. If God has intended this to be my punishment for my sinful ways, then I feel I must share my story with the world so that others may avoid this dreadful path.”

He said “I was a bit depressed that day and that is when the Devil brought me to these passages and filled my body with sinful urges” he decries. “I was weak then, but God has shown me the way and until I die I shall share my story so others don’t pay as heavy a price as I did,” acknowledges the man that has suffered serious burns and injuries from the lightning bolt.

He said he was reading the Book of Ezekiel that day and admonishes others to read it with a "pure mind".

He said his sexual urges exploded while reading verses of Ezekiel 19 and 20, which he warns must be read only by “strong devout Christians” with a “greater understanding of the Bible’s inherent truths”.
* Story Lead by Yao Francis Kumadoh via Facebook.


  1. Hahahahaha! Only in Utah! Should have had his LIGHTNING rod up instead!

  2. LOL, maybe next time don't put on a steel condom....


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