Friday, 19 February 2016

Regeneration Boat Arrives Plumstead As Royal Greenwich Begins New Urban Framework For Town Centre

* Cllr Danny Thorpe
by our RBG Correspondent | Woolwich

A massive £11.2 million of investment was approved for Plumstead by the Royal Borough of Greenwich’s Cabinet on 17th February.
The investment will deliver a state of the art, combined library, leisure and cultural facility at the heart of Plumstead.
The proposals which were approved as an integral part of a new Plumstead Urban Framework, reflect detailed consultation with local residents and businesses about how best to revitalise the high street and provide new sports and leisure facilities to local people.

Under the proposed scheme, the historic frontage of the current library dating from 1903 and other important historic features of the building will be protected. A new glassed ‘spine’ would be installed at the front of the building linking it with new facilities at the rear. These would include a café and library with a roof terrace, new fitness spaces at the back of the site as well as a racket hall and a performance/studio space in the basement. Tree planting and soft landscaping would accompany the provision of parking spaces for disabled people and a cycle park.

Cllr Danny Thorpe, the Royal Borough of Greenwich’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Transport said: “These proposals are a sign of the Council’s clear commitment to invest in Plumstead and deliver modern services for local people. We have consulted with residents on the plans and are confident that these proposals will utilise the High Street’s full potential."
"We are determined to ensure that Plumstead retains and enhances its unique identity as a district centre, especially around its commercial core. Despite competition from bigger centres, internet shopping and out-of-town shopping centres, the High Street continues to provide a critical function as a local town centre.”

A specialist design team will now be appointed to carry out necessary site surveys and secure detailed planning permission while working closely with Heritage England to protect the historic library façade. The Council has also agreed to the temporary re-provision of the existing Plumstead library service during the construction period of the new facility (anticipated as 18 months) to an alternative, easily accessible location. This will ensure that there is no break in service during the demolition and build programme.

The Plumstead Urban Framework will provide a blueprint for future plans to support improvements to the urban environment and regeneration of the wider Plumstead area.

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