Monday 1 February 2016

Ten Thousand Residents Obtain The Greenwich One Card In Two Months

Cllr Scott-McDonald
by Benson Agoha | In Woolwich

The number of residents signing up for the Greenwich One Card has reached 10,000 showing just how popular the unique scheme has proved since it was launched last November.

Of the 10,000 new One Card holders, almost 6,000 are completely new leisure and library members– meaning more people than ever are getting the most out of the Royal Greenwich’s superb facilities.

Getting your Greenwich One Card is easy and completely free of charge; you can sign up online at the Royal Borough’s website or sign up at any library or leisure centre.

Cllr Denise Scott-McDonald (top), the Royal Borough’s Cabinet Member For Culture, Creative Industries and Community Wellbeing said: “To have as many as 10,000 residents signing up for the Greenwich One Card in the two months since its launch is really positive news and illustrates the progress we have made in making services even more accessible for residents" adding "It is also great to see so many local people signing up for a One Card as their first membership with us."

“The Greenwich One Card membership makes using the Royal Borough’s leisure and library facilities easier and more convenient and also can get holders a huge range of deals and discounts from local businesses. I encourage local people to visit the council’s website and sign up today.”

Greenwich One Card is a membership scheme combining access to The Royal Borough’s leisure and library services with discounts at over 100 local businesses. It is free, easy to sign up for and once membership is confirmed it will last forever without holders needing to renew.

Local people who want to get their One Card can ask at any library or leisure centre or visit for more details and to sign up.

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