Thursday 18 February 2016

The Boy Is Just Good - See The Prototype Of A House He Built

by Nancy Weirh | On The Web

This model house was built by the young holder who happily posed for this shot for an Instagram User.

The Lady, described as a photo-realism pencil artist shared the photo on Instagram said: "I was just passing on the street when I met this super-talented; young promising boy with his incredible craft" adding "I couldn't help but to ask him for a shot of this."
Chiamonwu Ifeyinwa Joy went on "Seeing young kids trying to explore their God-given talent as well as trying to know their true identity; brings tears to my eyes and a sense of satisfaction."

"I am deeply sorry I have not posted for the past one week now. I was so busy with school workloads and people's commissions; these valentine season. But I am sure going to post a progress stage before the end of today. So please anticipate and give your undivided support. They are what keeps me going."

There hasn't been an update since. Well Joy, if only you got his name and location, it probably would have helped him more.

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