Friday 19 February 2016

This is the Heads Of The Syrian Opposition Meeting To Discuss The Food Crisis

by Benson Agoha | Woolwich

"What an Irony" was the title given to the post by Yao Francis Kumadoh on Facebook when he share Sweet Kamal post.

A rather fitting title, the photo shows the heads of the opposition in the Syrian War as the met in a fancy hotel in Turkey to discuss the food crisis affecting thousands of Syrian families displaced by the civil war in the country.

It comes as the United Kingdom, alongside Germany, Norway, Kuwait and the United Nations, co-hosted a donor conference in London on February 4th, in fulfilment of Prime Minister David Cameron's promise as he worked commons to a positive vote to join the Syrian war after it was originally defeated in the beginning.

According to Government website, the Supporting Syria and the Region conference, brought together world leaders from around the globe, to rise to the challenge of raising the money needed to help millions of people whose lives have been torn apart by the devastating civil war.

The conference raised over US$ 11 (£7.6) billion in pledges – $5.8 (£4) billion for 2016 and a further $5.4 (£4) billion for 2017-20 to enable partners to plan ahead.

If only the masses will understand that when two elephants fight, only the grass suffers  more.

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