Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Child Refugee Try To Make It Through Greek-Macedonian Border Barrier

by Nancy Weirh | International

As Europe move to check influx of refugee migrants across the Mediterranean to the continent, this latest photo shows what those already in parts of the continent are going through to reach new destination.

The photo shared by AFP shows a child inside a metal fencing very close to the Greek-Macedonian border near Idomeni.

Europe has of late began to pull back to Turkey any boats caught carrying migrants into the continent, but several thousands are still in Greece.

The unchecked wave of migrants has threatened the survival of the Schengen arrangement that binds some 26 countries to mutual unrestricted movement of travelers within it.

Of the 26 Schengen countries, 22 are in the EU while four are non-EU countries.

The pressure of migrant refugees from Asia, Africa and the middle east have forced even Germany to introduce border controls in recent months.

Britain is not a Schengen country and may soon be exiting the EU if planned oncoming referendum favours exit.

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