Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Kanye West Reveals Plans for Stream-Only Music And Wont Produce CDs Any More

by Benson Agoha | Celebrity

* Kanye West: (Credit: via VLADTV)
Kanye West gave a new hint yet that CD's may no more be issued for his music. And he was only being himself when he tweeted "Uuuuum... hi everybody!"..."I was thinking about not making CDs ever again... Only streaming"

Later when he has made up his mind, he wrote: "uuuuuuum, so there it is... No more CDs from me"

Kanye also called the Yeezus album packaging "an open casket to CDs" before going into a spiel about people who've attempted to talk him out of being himself moving forward.

But for those who seem to have beef with anything he says, he asked: "uestion... Why do people not want me to be me?"

And without waiting for responses, he told his fans: "I want people to be the best version of themselves and I will be the best version of me."

But then, the replies came flooding in.

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